- Stats: 265 1 0
- Author: Melissa Histon
- Posted: 10/08/2020
- Category: Hey Soul Sista Podcast
Overcoming your fear of ‘I’m not good enough’
Do you secretly fear that you’re a fraud and that any moment, people will find out? We’re hearing the term ‘impostor syndrome’ more frequently as increasing numbers of people realise that this affliction is silently sapping their confidence. It’s characterised by not feeling good enough, by self-doubt and feeling like you are a fraud who is about to be discovered and found wanting.
If this rings true, you’re among the 66 per cent of women and 56 per cent of men* who suffer from impostor syndrome.
In this episode, special guest, Kellie Mills talks about her own experiences with not feeling good enough growing up, and how now – as a Specialist Trainer, Presenter and Coach – she helps people overcome their imposter syndrome. Kellie also gives great wisdoms and insights for you!
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+ Produced by Newcastle Podcast Station