*WARNING: DODGY GREEN SMOOTHIE VIDEO AT THE END This morning I woke up feeling bloated, bleery-eyed and drained; not a great way to start the…
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” —Theodore Roosevelt. I was called materialistic by another woman this week: not to my face, to someone else. Am I angry, upset? No, not at all. You see I had met the woman for only…
I have long believed that when we are faced with problems, worries or challenges that the ‘Universe’ (or God, Source, our Spirit guides/whatever label works…
Today I board a plane that will take me to the USA on an incredible journey. I am making my way to Necker Island: Richard…
The habit of meditation is one of the most powerful things I’ve ever learned. Amazingly, it’s also one of the most simple habits to do…
A male friend of mine posted a comment on my Facebook update last night: it went like this… “If you reduce the problem of women undermining…
Thanks to the wonder of Facebook it’s easy to find old school friends and keep up to date with their families and lives. And it’s…
After eight long years fighting an insidious cancer, Neuroblastoma, little Charlie Carr passed away 10 days ago and was finally laid to rest last Friday. Her devoted…
An arm wrapped around me, her voice seemed distant, as I sat sobbing on the sharpest shale. After six hours of climbing, I was exhausted…
“Why doesn’t she just leave?” It’s a question that people ask all the time of women that are living with an abuser: living in a relationship shrouded by domestic violence. I have asked that question myself of other women, “Why doesn’t…