- Stats: 3583 0 0
- Author: Melissa Histon
- Posted: 20/01/2015
- Category: Inspirational Women, Videos
Six keys to leading positive change – Rosabeth Moss Kanter
If you have ever dreamed of creating a better life for yourself and others;
If you desire to make a difference in your workplace, your business, in the world;
If you have ever wanted to start something or grow something;
…This inspiring Ted Talk by Rosabeth Moss Kanter is for you. It will inspire you to lead and take action.
Harvard Business School Professor, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, helps to make the world a better place by teaching leadership skills. She has worked with tens of thousands of leaders in dozens of countries all over the world and has boiled all her learnings to six keys lessons that lead to positive change.
In a snapshot:
1. Show up – if you don’t show up, nothing really happens.
2. Speak up – use the power of voice to shape the agenda, framing issues for other people and helping people to see issues and ideas in another way.
3. Look up – to a higher principle, a vision and values. Without a higher vision, leadership is hollow. Know what you stand for and be able to elevate people’s eyes from everyday problems to a higher vision and gain a sense of hope.
4. Team up – everything goes better with partners.
5. Never give up – there is nothing we don’t start that doesn’t hit an obstacle or a roadblock. If you give up, by definition it’s a failure. If you keep going and find a way around the obstacles, more often you can reach a success.
6. Lift others up!
Leadership expert Rosabeth Moss Kanter is a professor at the Harvard Business School, Chair and Director of the Harvard University Advanced Leadership Initiative, and author of “Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End” and “SuperCorp: How Vanguard Companies Create Innovation, Profits, Growth, and Social Good.”
Enjoy Rosabeth’s Ted Talk and I would love to hear from you about what your dreams and ideas are to make the world a better place – I have a few of my own too!
Mel xx