- Stats: 283 1 0
- Author: Melissa Histon
- Posted: 16/11/2020
- Category: Hey Soul Sista Podcast
How to overcome overwhelm
Do you have so much on your plate that you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed?
Do you sometimes feel you’ll never get through your list of priorities? Or that you’re constantly reacting to someone else’s requests?
When you’re overwhelmed or working from a place of anxiety, it’s difficult to make the best decisions for your career, your family or your people. It can actually stunt your professional growth and keep you stuck – especially when your wheels are turning day in and day out. It can also prevent you from enjoying your days the way you otherwise could. In this episode, yogi and business coach, Alexandria Joy, and host, Mel Histon, look at the causes of modern-day overwhelm and steps we can put in place to live a calm, peaceful life!
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+ Produced by Newcastle Podcast Station